Doing Grounded Theory with MAXQDA
Guidance and Tips for Your Practice

- Authors: Stefan Rädiker
- Released: March 14, 2023
- Language: English
- ISBN: 978-3-948768-16-4
- DOI: 10.36192/978-3-948768164
After a brief overview of basic principles of grounded theory studies, this guide will show you how to implement grounded theory projects with MAXQDA:
• Organizing data
• Coding data
• Writing memos
• Creating diagrams
• Finalizing and writing-up the theory
Each chapter ends with a brief summary of the key points. The guide offers orientation as well as practical advice on how to conduct a study using a grounded theory approach. It is a valuable companion for novice and experienced MAXQDA users.
Stefan Rädiker
Dr. Stefan Rädiker is a consultant and trainer for research methods and evaluation. He holds a doctorate in educational sciences and his research focuses on computer-assisted analysis of qualitative and mixed methods data (